Wednesday, March 26, 2008

fAkE sMiLe...

Its funny how a fake smile

can mask this sorrowful face....

this bleeding heart...

u covered wid warm embrace.

....many smitten souls are free to fly,

still these funny lies can makeme cry...

I smile still its hurting me,

when the truth remains,

its emancipate to flee.

I m tired of secretly crying,

tired of hiding these fucking tears...

but since I love him so much,

God i'd hide dese for years...

It tears me apart and just getting through each and every day is hard...

i thought i know u,

yet pause........I'm unsure!!!


  1. deep, intellectual, painful, touching... damn u got jst d makings of a grade A artist

    emo personified

  2. awesome....u hv an amazing quality of describing ur thots in a perfect manner... touching everyone!!

  3. its awsome yaar really very touchin n very emotional... kool way of describing ur thoughts...
