Saturday, April 4, 2009

bLaCkEnEd HeArT...

I sit there and pray to God
that it wont be long,
I cant go on pretending,
People say I am strong,
Then why m I falling apart???
I can feel the tears falling inside,
Inside my blackened heart.

And I feel like
I am walking down an endless path,
The road to nowre,
And I cant find my way back,
And there's no one here to save me
From falling into my blackened heart.

I fall to the ground,
Still as the night,
I lay there like a helpless child,
black teardrops falling from my eyes,
As I look up to the sky,

The stars are my only light,
Praying for an angel to extend hand,
praying for someone to understand,
And for someone to save me from myself!!!